L'objectif de cette courte vidéo est de présenter comment créer des dossiers, transférer des fichiers et expliquer la différence entre les dossiers privés, publics et partagés.
Notre Nuage : créer des dossiers, transférer des fichiers et expliquer la différence entre les dossiers
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, December 4 / 2013.
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant
Peter Oldreive, ICT Consultant
OurCloud is a repository space on servers at the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Essentially, it is an online drive where you can download and upload documents and create and share folders. This service provides file sharing between desktop, laptop, netbook, smart phone and tablet devices.
Sexual Health Education in Schools - Supporting Teachers, Administrators and Families
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, May 24 / 2013.
Natalie Flinn, Active Healthy Living Consultant
Lisa Tobin, Sexual Health Coordinator, Dept. of Health and Welness
This webinar provides support for the new health education curriculum grades Primary – 9. It highlights best practices in sexual health education, and shares the research supporting sexual health education in schools.
LRTS Webinar, orginally aired Monday, November 26 / 2012.
Ray Fernandes, Education Media Librarian
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant
Over 9,000 titles are now available for you to stream or download. Learn how to download resources, set up your own play lists and find NS curriculum related content in English and in French. Teachers, Library and School Support staff can access the Online Video Library through the EduPortal - https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/eduportal
Students and parents access the Online Video Library through the Learn360 website - www.learn360.ca (contact the Media Library to get your school account information lrt@ednet.ns.ca)