Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Lors de la journée de l'éducation 2016: L’Océan : notre terrain de jeu, les élèves de partout en Nouvelle-Écosse seront à Halifax pour une journée excitante et interactive.
Avec un discours inspirant, Sarika Cullis-Suzuki invitera les élèves dans le monde des sciences de la mer, l'activisme environnemental et des carrières dans le domaine de l'océan. Les élèves étudieront les concepts autour de la technologie de l'océan et de l'innovation et auront la possibilité de voir des liens avec des carrières possibles.
Cette journée de l'éducation 2016: L’Océan : notre terrain de jeu sera une journée engageante, inspirante, remplie d'apprentissage.
Journée de l’éducation 2016 : L’OCÉAN : NOTRE TERRAIN DE JEU
On November 23rd, 2016, students from across Nova Scotia will visit Halifax for an exciting, interactive day of learning, at Education Day 2016: Our Ocean Playground.
An inspiring keynote speech by Dr. Sarika Cullis-Suzuki will invite students into the world of ocean science, environmental activism and careers in an ocean field. Students will explore concepts around ocean technology and innovation, and will have opportunities to make connections with potential careers.
Education Day 2016: Our Ocean Playground, will be a day filled with engaging and inspiring learning.
This video is intended to promote with school administrators, teachers, and parents the Science Olympics competition as a means of engaging elementary students in hands-on science activities. The program is based on images and interviews recorded at St. Mary's University, Halifax, during the 2007 Nova Scotia Science Olympics. It features the remarks of students, a parent volunteer, a Science Olympic judge, and a classroom teacher, all of whom variously address the value of Science Olympics as a complement to the elementary science curriculum.
LRTS Webinar, orginally aired Thursday, November 28 / 2012.
Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant
Cathy Fan, Science Writer, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
This Science 10 webinar is an introduction to show that both students and teachers can interact with the CONNECTschool™ resources to personalize their online learning and teaching experience. The interACTIVE Student Resource and the Teacher Resource include a wealth of media assets, interactive lessons, and activities. InterACTIVE tools such as teaching plans, calendars, notes, study plans, and self-assessment opportunities expand the program.