Healthy Living 9 now includes an injury prevention outcome specific to workplace health and safety. This is because work, whether in the home, the community, or at a workplace, is a common experience for students at this age. A full supplement providing notes, classroom activities and best practice resources has been approved and developed for teachers. The webinar will fully cover the outcome, the teaching supplement, and introduce a variety of options for effective delivery.
Healthy Living 9 Delivering the Mandatory OHS Outcome
Sexual Health Education in Schools - Supporting Teachers, Administrators and Families
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, May 24 / 2013.
Natalie Flinn, Active Healthy Living Consultant
Lisa Tobin, Sexual Health Coordinator, Dept. of Health and Welness
This webinar provides support for the new health education curriculum grades Primary – 9. It highlights best practices in sexual health education, and shares the research supporting sexual health education in schools.