Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Lors de la journée de l'éducation 2016: L’Océan : notre terrain de jeu, les élèves de partout en Nouvelle-Écosse seront à Halifax pour une journée excitante et interactive.
Avec un discours inspirant, Sarika Cullis-Suzuki invitera les élèves dans le monde des sciences de la mer, l'activisme environnemental et des carrières dans le domaine de l'océan. Les élèves étudieront les concepts autour de la technologie de l'océan et de l'innovation et auront la possibilité de voir des liens avec des carrières possibles.
Cette journée de l'éducation 2016: L’Océan : notre terrain de jeu sera une journée engageante, inspirante, remplie d'apprentissage.
Journée de l’éducation 2016 : L’OCÉAN : NOTRE TERRAIN DE JEU
On November 23rd, 2016, students from across Nova Scotia will visit Halifax for an exciting, interactive day of learning, at Education Day 2016: Our Ocean Playground.
An inspiring keynote speech by Dr. Sarika Cullis-Suzuki will invite students into the world of ocean science, environmental activism and careers in an ocean field. Students will explore concepts around ocean technology and innovation, and will have opportunities to make connections with potential careers.
Education Day 2016: Our Ocean Playground, will be a day filled with engaging and inspiring learning.
Culturally responsive teaching can be defined as using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and performance styles of ethnically diverse students to make learning encounters more relevant to and effective for them. It teaches to and through the strengths of these students.
Student Service is one of three divisions in the Student Equity and Support Services Branch. It provides direction and leadership to school boards regarding the development, implementation and evaluation of policies, programs and services in the areas of Special Education, Learning Disabilities, Autism, SchoolsPlus, Comprehensive Guidance and Counselling, Safe and Inclusive Schools, English as an Additional Language, Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights (RCH), and other support services to students. The Division consults, liaises and communicates with its education partners and the public to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach in implementing its mandate.
L’hiver arrive. Est-ce que vous êtes bien préparés au cas où les cours seraient annulés? Les conseils scolaires prennent la décision d’annuler les cours en s’appuyant sur de nombreux critères, notamment sur les prévisions météo et sur les conditions de circulation routière. Nous recommandons aux parents et aux familles de prévoir dès maintenant ce qu’ils feront dans le cas où les cours seraient annulés.
Winter is coming. Are you prepared for when classes are cancelled? School boards make decisions to cancel classes based on many factors, including the weather forecast and road conditions. Parents and families should start making plans in the event of cancelled classes.