Video 4: This video pertains to students only. It demonstrates some of the advanced features for students: Using the search tool, joining a course, and setting your personal defaults. Presenter: Kelly Ronan, Pearson Canada.
Advanced features of the Math Makes Sense Student eText for students
Video 5: This video demonstrates some of the features of the Pearson Math Makes Sense ProGuide, which is the digital teacher guide. Viewers are shown the contents on the Home screen, as well as the features and icons on the top toolbar. Presenter: Kelly Ronan, Pearson Canada.
Video 6: This video demonstrates some of the features of the Pearson Math Makes Sense ProGuide, which is the digital teacher guide. Viewers will learn how the ProGuide is organized, how to access all of their teacher content, and media icons. Presenter: Kelly Ronan, Pearson Canad.
Video 7: This video shows teachers how to use the Wizard to quickly and easily generate a new test, as well as how to modify the questions and generate multiple versions of the test.
Ce VidéoScribe a été développé afin d’appuyer la mise en œuvre de la politique provinciale sur le code de conduite dans les écoles pour le premier septembre 2015.
Politique provinciale sur le code de conduite dans les écoles
Dans le document Les trois « R » : renouveler, réorienter, rebâtir – Plan d’action en matière d’éducation de la Nouvelle-Écosse de 2015, nous avons pris l’engagement vis-à-vis de la population néoécossaise de renforcer l’intégration dans le milieu éducatif. Cela nous a conduits à élaborer des critères provinciaux pour l’élaboration d’un PPI, qui ont été intégrés dans TIENET.
Les critères provinciaux, détaillés dans ce VidéoScribe, assureront qu’il existe des données objectives justifiant la décision d’élaborer un PPI et qu’on s’est bien livré à un processus de communication pertinent avec les parents/tuteurs.
In Nova Scotia’s Action Plan for Education 2015, The 3 R’s: Renew Refocus Rebuild, there is a commitment to Nova Scotians to enhance inclusive education. One action in the plan called for the establishment of provincial criteria for the development of an IPP. The criteria have been developed and embedded in TIENET.
The provincial criteria, described in this Video Scribe, will ensure that an IPP is the most appropriate programming for the student and that evidence exists to substantiate the decision to develop an IPP and that meaningful communication with parents and guardians has occurred.