LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, October 23rd / 2013
Presenter: Vera Grayson, Consultant, DOEECD
This webinar was created in October 2013 and is in the process of being revised to reflect the following changes that were implemented during the 2014-2015 administration. The revised webinar will include the following updates:
updated rubrics that have been revised for clarity in Ideas, Language Use, and Conventions, including a second Ideas criterion for the Reading Response
updated scores for Ideas2 for Reading Response writing samples
updated number of points for the Reading Response task to 20 due to the addition of the Ideas 2 criterion
updated total number of points for the examination to 84 due to the addition of the Ideas 2 criterion
This webinar was created to provide Grade 10 English teachers with information about the Nova Scotia Examination: English 10. Examples of reading passages, selected response questions, and constructed response questions will be provided. Scoring rubrics will be discussed and illustrated with samples of student writing.
Supporting documents for the English 10 webinar are available on the secure Educators area website (choose “GNSPES/SEPNE” from the dropdown list and click “select”, teachers can enter their logon credentials, and click on the assessment folder).
Nova Scotia Examination - English 10 Information Webinar
24 mars, 2014 Monia Gaudreault Chenelière Education
Jean-Claude Bergeron Conseiller pédagogique en immersion française - 7e à 12e années
Eric Therrien Consultant en TIC
Ce webinaire interactif présente la collection des Contes à Bulles de la maison d'édition de Chenelière Éducation. Lors de cette session, les participants auront la chance de se familiariser avec les outils interactifs du CD de chacun des 18 livrets numériques, de comprendre les stratégies d'enseignement et d'apprentissage à exploiter afin de développer la communication orale, la compréhension en lecture et l'écriture de contes et de légendes à travers la réflexion et la discussion.
Lors de ce webinaire, des renseignements généraux sur le nouvel examen de français en 10e année vous seront transmis. De plus, un survol des tâches de lecture et d’écriture sera fait afin de mieux comprendre ce dont il s’agit (genres abordés, types de questions, résultats d’apprentissage). Enfin, des explications seront fournies sur la façon de noter cet examen à la fin du processus.
Sara Lafrance, coordonnatrice provinciale pour l’évaluation en lecture, Éducation et développement de la petite enfance
Eric Therrien, consultant en TIC, Éducation et développement de la petite enfance
Séance d’information de l’examen de Français 10 en Nouvelle-Écosse
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Thursday, March 20 / 2014
Stephanie MacKay, Sr. Mathematics Teacher - Archbishop O'Leary High School, Edmonton AB
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant
We will explore Readymade Activities and Downloadable Apps for the TI-84 family of handhelds from that could be used to enhance teaching and learning of concepts addressed in Mathematics 10. Bring your TI calculator when you attend this webinar. Webinar presented by Stephanie MacKay, TI Instrument Education.
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Tuesday, February 11 / 2014
David Lubin, EBSCO
Ray Fernandes, Education Media Librarian
Teachers and students have easy access 24/7 to online tools to support them. This includes safer search engines, research articles that have appeared in scholarly journals, newspapers and magazines, perfect for homework support or student projects. Encyclopedias, images, current events... many of the resources have speech to text functionality. Best of all these amazing online tools are available to all teachers and students in the province! David Lubin from EBSCO walks us through the EBSCO databases and shows you how to get the most out of this invaluable resource.
Online Resources and Research Tools: Using EBSCO Databases Effectively with Your Students Grades 7-12
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, February 5 / 2014
Steve Etienne, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant Sharon McCready, Mathematics Support Consultant
This engaging workshop presented the McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s Math at Work 10 resource. The workshop focused on the features of both the student and teachers resources along with classroom use of PDFs and the advantages of using the On-Line Learning Centre. This resource is designed to provide students with conceptual and procedural mathematical understanding, and critical-thinking skills. Topics include financial mathematics, algebra, geometry, measurement, number, and statistics and probability. Viewers will gain a better understanding of how this resource can help with planning, instruction and assessment to meet the desired curriculum outcomes.
LRTS Webinar, originally aired Tuesday, September 24 / 2013.
David Zimmer, Pearson Education Canada
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant
Sharon McCready, Mathematics Support Consultant
Find out about some of the exciting digital assets that are part of your Technology DVD. From SMART lessons, to animations, to dynamic activities, to embedded planning notes, this is a resource you will want to learn more about. If you like the DVD, your students will really enjoy the WebBook. So, join us for this webinar and find out more.
Mathematics 10: An Overview of the Teacher Technology DVD and Web-based Student eBook
LRTS Webinar, orginally aired Thursday, November 28 / 2012.
Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant
Eric Therrien, ICT Consultant
Cathy Fan, Science Writer, McGraw-Hill Ryerson
This Science 10 webinar is an introduction to show that both students and teachers can interact with the CONNECTschool™ resources to personalize their online learning and teaching experience. The interACTIVE Student Resource and the Teacher Resource include a wealth of media assets, interactive lessons, and activities. InterACTIVE tools such as teaching plans, calendars, notes, study plans, and self-assessment opportunities expand the program.