LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, October 23rd / 2013
Presenter: Vera Grayson, Consultant, DOEECD
This webinar was created in October 2013 and is in the process of being revised to reflect the following changes that were implemented during the 2014-2015 administration. The revised webinar will include the following updates:
updated rubrics that have been revised for clarity in Ideas, Language Use, and Conventions, including a second Ideas criterion for the Reading Response
updated scores for Ideas2 for Reading Response writing samples
updated number of points for the Reading Response task to 20 due to the addition of the Ideas 2 criterion
updated total number of points for the examination to 84 due to the addition of the Ideas 2 criterion
This webinar was created to provide Grade 10 English teachers with information about the Nova Scotia Examination: English 10. Examples of reading passages, selected response questions, and constructed response questions will be provided. Scoring rubrics will be discussed and illustrated with samples of student writing.
Supporting documents for the English 10 webinar are available on the secure Educators area website (choose “GNSPES/SEPNE” from the dropdown list and click “select”, teachers can enter their logon credentials, and click on the assessment folder).
Nova Scotia Examination - English 10 Information Webinar
This webinar addressed the “new” learning focuses of the Sr. High English Language Arts Teaching in Action 10-12 document. The webinar looked at the document front matter (pages 1 to 208) that teachers find most meaningful, and how teachers are implementing the resource.
Talk & Walk: An Overview of Teaching in Action 10-12
ELA teachers had the opportunity to discuss "best practice" in the high school classroom using the Planning for Balanced Assessment & Instruction in ELA 10 –12 Desk Blotter resource as the focus of conversation. Informal "Talk" centred around the Classroom as a Workshop, Gradual Release of Responsibility, Approaches to Assessment, and Approaches to Instruction.
Planning for Balanced Assessment and Instruction in English Language Arts: It's Foundational!