LRTS Webinar, originally aired Wednesday, October 23rd / 2013
Presenter: Vera Grayson, Consultant, DOEECD
This webinar was created in October 2013 and is in the process of being revised to reflect the following changes that were implemented during the 2014-2015 administration. The revised webinar will include the following updates:
updated rubrics that have been revised for clarity in Ideas, Language Use, and Conventions, including a second Ideas criterion for the Reading Response
updated scores for Ideas2 for Reading Response writing samples
updated number of points for the Reading Response task to 20 due to the addition of the Ideas 2 criterion
updated total number of points for the examination to 84 due to the addition of the Ideas 2 criterion
This webinar was created to provide Grade 10 English teachers with information about the Nova Scotia Examination: English 10. Examples of reading passages, selected response questions, and constructed response questions will be provided. Scoring rubrics will be discussed and illustrated with samples of student writing.
Supporting documents for the English 10 webinar are available on the secure Educators area website (choose “GNSPES/SEPNE” from the dropdown list and click “select”, teachers can enter their logon credentials, and click on the assessment folder).
Nova Scotia Examination - English 10 Information Webinar
Today's educators face the difficult task of meeting the needs of diverse classrooms that include children who have been affected by war, violent conflict and trauma. The psychosocial needs of war-affected children who resettle in Canada can be intense, complicated, and can require a sensitive and individualized approach. Trauma can have multiple consequences on children that are not easily understood. Children who have experienced trauma are often labelled as disruptive, defiant, and at high risk of dropping out. When appropriate supports are in place, it is possible for children to recover from trauma. Working from a trauma informed perspective is a valuable approach to teaching that helps to ease the transition of these students into our classrooms, increasing the possibility of a successful Canadian transition. This webinar draws from qualitative research conducted in Canada and oversees that examines best practices in supporting the psychosocial needs of refugee students as a means of supporting successful integration into our schools and communities.
Key takeaways from this webinar will include:
1. Working from a trauma-informed perspective
2. Building capacity in newcomer students - Effects of trauma and interrupted learning and helping newcomer students that have suffered trauma and violence in their lives
3. Building a culturally responsive space and classroom
4. Lesson plans to assist and build capacity in classroom teachers
Bridging two worlds : building teacher capacity in working with refugee children
Wendy Driscoll, Social Studies Project Lead
Matt Murphy, French Immersion Math and Science Consultant
We all know that engaging students in authentic learning experiences is important; that it is crucial to a meaningful education…but what does that look like? (and how do I know it’s working?)
In this webinar teachers can learn some practical strategies for authentic engagement through inquiry. Best practices for gathering evidence of student learning and assessment, and how to report this type of learning will be discussed and shared. Teachers of all subjects are encouraged to join us with an open mind, ready to discuss and experience…and engage!
24 mars, 2014 Monia Gaudreault Chenelière Education
Jean-Claude Bergeron Conseiller pédagogique en immersion française - 7e à 12e années
Eric Therrien Consultant en TIC
Ce webinaire interactif présente la collection des Contes à Bulles de la maison d'édition de Chenelière Éducation. Lors de cette session, les participants auront la chance de se familiariser avec les outils interactifs du CD de chacun des 18 livrets numériques, de comprendre les stratégies d'enseignement et d'apprentissage à exploiter afin de développer la communication orale, la compréhension en lecture et l'écriture de contes et de légendes à travers la réflexion et la discussion.
Culturally responsive teaching can be defined as using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and performance styles of ethnically diverse students to make learning encounters more relevant to and effective for them. It teaches to and through the strengths of these students.
In May 2015 the P-3 curriculum was streamlined. This webinar reviewed elements of the renewed curriculum and how this work was designed, developed and reviewed.
Streamlining The P to 3 Curriculum - An Overview and Look at the Process