Collaboration & Presentation of Research in Secondary Schools
Presenter: Kris Jones
We will explore ways Google Apps for Education can be used between students to collaborate on group project work. GAFE can also be used for peer editing, teacher collaboration with students during project work to provide feedback and suggestions/encouragement, and as a system of checks to ensure that teacher comments are reviewed and considered in final draft submissions. Participants will create, collaborate, share, and respond using Docs, Slides, and Pixlr (with an opportunity to explore Sheets interactive chart integration directly into Moodle). We can also look at the way Google Scholar & Google Alerts can help students set up researching tools that will help automate the research process throughout any semester long research projects while providing them with multiple resources sent directly to their inbox on a regular basis. Finally we will explore how setting up Google Sites can display research in an interactive way with relative ease for students and teachers to create professional sites with limited coding knowledge.
Session Resources: