This 2-part video is intended to be used as a teaching supplement for those involved in teaching in and management of a wood production laboratory with the Technology Education program in Nova Scotia public schools. The material within the video component is designed to correspond to the Operations and Maintenance manual and daily, weekly, monthly checks as required by the Fire Marshall’s office. The intent of this video and powerpoint presentation is to provide pre-training background for participants to review prior to the commissioning process of a dust collector. In addition, it also serves to provide training information for those individuals who may be new to teaching in or cleaning a production technology space.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Building on the success of the 2015 Big Data Congress, EECD and Big Data Alliance of Nova Scotia invited grade 7-12 students as well as teachers from across the province to participate in Education Day 2016 : Our Ocean Playground. On November 23, 2006, students and teachers experienced a day that integrates technology, explores innovation, and promotes entrepreneurship by focusing on the growing importance of oceans in our lives and in our world.
Learning Journals/ Math Journals explains how students at Lockview High School use journals in mathematics to think critically, problem-solve, reason, communicate, and to reflect upon their learning. Teachers Susan Wilkie and Sherri Miles comment on the multiple uses of the math journal; ways to establish math journal routines; their purposes and functionality; as well as classroom instructional and assessment applications. While this segment focuses on the journal as a tool for learning mathematics, the strategy and the underlying pedagogy are applicable across subjects, disciplines and grade levels.
Project-based Learning in O2 & Co-op Education explores how teachers at Forest Heights Community School structure and facilitate project-based learning in Co-operative Education and Options and Opportunities classrooms. Like inquiry-based learning, PBL is rooted in authentic real-world problems requiring students to apply skills and their understanding of content to complete projects that are meaningful and significant. In this segment, we see students working at school and in the community on a wide range of projects arising from curriculum outcomes. Although O2 and Co-operative Education classes are highlighted, project-based learning has wide application across subject areas and grade levels.
Inquiry-based Learning showcases how teachers structure and facilitate inquiry-based learning, in which students confront real-world challenges that encourage them to acquire and apply new knowledge that transcends mere rote recall. Teachers in this segment guide students as they frame open questions; help them structure meaningful tasks, and coach both knowledge development and social skills. This segment also provides insight into how teachers carefully assess what students are learning and the outcomes they are achieving from their experiences.
Assessment demonstrates teacher-led, self, and peer assessment strategies which effective teachers use to determine what students know already and what they need next on the way to meeting learning outcomes. The segment showcases a range of classrooms, subject areas, and grade levels in which teachers have planned and implemented assessment for learning in a variety of responsive ways. It also shows how teachers use the evidence they collect to shape instruction and to determine next steps.